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Bajío Announces “Artists for Ian” Hurricane Relief Campaign

Bajío Sunglasses

and Captains for Clean Water are partnering together to raise funds for Hurricane Ian relief. As part of their “Artists for Ian” campaign, Bajío will auction off original pieces by renown tattoo artists Casey Anderson and Drew Wilson, the proceeds of which will go to the Captains for Clean Water Emergency Disaster Relief Fund. The two “fighting trout” panels are a spotted seatrout, drawn by Anderson, and a brown trout, drawn by Wilson. Each piece is a 23 X 47 acrylic on board. Anderson hails from Reno, Nevada, and, in addition to his tattoo artistry, is one of the most accomplished cutthroat trout anglers in the country. Wilson, from Russellville, Arizona, makes lowbrow fish art for lowbrow anglers. You can bid on the pieces or donate directly to the cause here. The Artists for Ian campaign ends Monday, October 10th at 11:59 pm EDT, but the relief effort will continue for long after. An informational poster for Artists for Ian announcing the starting bid of $200.