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Explore the art of sportfishing flag etiquette with expert tips on flag spacing, display, and the unwritten code of honor among professional crews.

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Learn the art of safely leadering marlin with expert tips on teamwork, gear selection, and techniques. Discover the key to mastering this thrilling yet

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Discover the evolution of how dredge fishing for billfish revolutionized the sport and its impact on the sport. From early challenges to modern innovations,

Physiology of Motion SicknessPractical Management and Prevention of SeasicknessSymptoms of SeasicknessBreathe Fresh AirA Captain's Perspective to Preventing Seasickness on a BoatAdditional Aggravating FactorsNatural Seasickness

Wheel watch is a word we use on our boat for taking control of the helm. The helm is the command station of any

It looks like we are getting closer to the final approval of a legal FAD (Fish Aggregating Device) project off the Texas coast. Tom